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The opening of car rental office in Uzhgorog

February 1, 2008 is the official date of the opening of the AUTO-Drive Regional Office in Uzhgorod. It is the first and the only car rental company in Transkarpathian Region. The press conference organized by Uzhgorod Reform Press Club with the participation of the correspondents of six regional newspapers, electronic information centers and local TV company took place on the day before - January 31. The aim of the event was to attract attention of the community to new services in the region.
The idea of car renting in native city appeard when Volodymyr Yavorskyy (now the Director of Transkarpathian AutoDrive Regional Office) hosted foriegn guests. It was impossible to rent a car as there was no car rental company in the region. So, Mr Yavorskyy has bacome the owner of new business joining the AutoDrive franchise program and now he is a pioneer in rent-a-car business in the region.
The start was successful. There is a great interest in the services. The company proposes to deliver cars to border terminal in Uzhgorod, boreder terminal “Tysa” in Chop city and to the railway station, also to deliver cars to recreation centers and possibility to process documents in hotels and recreation centers. The company plans to establish office in Mukachevo.
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